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    Displaying 108 of 1130 Search Results

  1. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Teen-rated video game with smoking set for wider distribution

    The use of tobacco in XCOM 2 is part of a trend in video games rated suitable for or popular with teenagers.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Here’s another reason to remove smoking from video games

    With smoking widespread in video games, new Truth Initiative® research is giving creators another reason to remove tobacco from their games.

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Hero in blockbuster teen video game “Overwatch” smokes cigars

    Overwatch, a video game rated suitable for teens, features a hero who smokes cigars, part of a trend of games that show tobacco being marketed to use

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Colleges unveil campus art to promote smoke- and tobacco-free policies

    Participants in the truth x arts college mural contest created campus artwork to celebrate their school going smoke- or tobacco-free.

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    the 5 ways tobacco companies lied about the dangers of smoking cigarettes

    Tobacco companies are back on our TV screens — not to promote cigarettes, but to correct the lies they told for decades about the dangers of smoking them.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Smoke screens: Is tobacco use in youth-rated movies still a problem?

    Tobacco use on screen is a public health concern because exposure to smoking imagery in movies can cause young people to start smoking.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Head Start updates will help protect children from tobacco smoke

    Updated standards include a requirement that Head Start programs offer parents opportunities to learn about the health risks associated with secondhand smoke

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    New research will explore ways to help heavy drinkers quit smoking

    Researchers at the Schroeder Institute® for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at Truth Initiative have been awarded a grant from Brown University and the N

  9. truth® campaign successful in saving lives and preventing youth smoking

    Exposure to the award-winning truth campaign prevented more than 300,000 U.S. youth and young adults from becoming smokers during 2015-2016.

  10. News Article News Article Research & Resources
  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    A national Healthy Homes Month reminder: Secondhand smoke kills

    June marks National Healthy Homes Month, a good opportunity to focus on the dangers of secondhand smoke on children, nonsmoking adults and pets.

  12. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    What helps smokers stick with an Internet quit smoking program?

    Smokers who use an Internet quit smoking program are more likely to stick with it if they connect with other members in an online social network.