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Quitting nicotine isn't easy, but it can be done with the right support. EX® Program, developed over 15 years ago by Truth Initiative in collaboration with Mayo Clinic, brings individuals, employers, health plans, and public health organizations proven, evidence-based quitting approaches and the most established online quit community.  

EX Program has helped millions of people on their journeys to quit smoking, vaping, or any tobacco or nicotine product. Research has shown that using EX Program can increase odds of quitting by up to 40%.

Man in front of a palm tree

Quit Support for Individuals

EX Program is the go-to guide on your quitting journey. Since 2008, EX Program has collaborated with the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center. When you sign up for a free EX Program account, you’ll get access to a flexible, personalized program to help you change your patterns, find support, and explore nicotine replacement therapy. EX Program’s daily text messages, interactive website, and dedicated community full of experts and experienced quitters will support you every step of the way.

Sign up for free

Quit Support for Employers, Health Plans, Governments, and Public Health Organizations

EX Program Enterprise delivers a proven-effective, customizable, and HIPAA-compliant cessation solution for employers, health plans, governments, and public health organizations.

EX Program Premium for Employers and Health Plans

Designed for employers and health plans, EX Program Premium offers trailblazing addiction treatment including 1:1 live chat coaching with tobacco treatment specialists and nicotine replacement therapy; unrivaled scientific leadership; and customized expert guidance about program promotion, tobacco surcharge best practices, and more.  

EX Program Premium clients receive data through a real-time dashboard with individual-level reporting on enrollment, engagement, and quit outcomes, with comprehensive reporting on promotions to show which tactics work best with specific audiences. EX Program Premium clients following best practices see quit rates up to 52%.

Learn more about EX Program Enterprise
Girl on the phone and vaping

EX Program Essentials for Government and Public Health Organizations

For government and public health organizations, EX Program Essentials offers a field-leading nicotine addiction treatment program for young adults ages 13 and older. It is the only quitting program on the market with published evidence of quit vaping effectiveness among teens and young adults, with strong results among key subgroups including race, gender, and mental health status.  

EX Program Essentials includes a fully integrated text-message program available in English and Spanish. Young people enroll via direct text message opt-in with a custom keyword and receive tailored support based on age, tobacco products, quit journey stage, and more. EX Program Essentials also partners with the Crisis Text Line to offer 24/7 crisis and mental health support with trained volunteer Crisis Counselors. 

Organizations using EX Program Essentials receive population-level insights via a real-time dashboard to show enrollment, engagement, and quit outcomes.

Learn more about EX Program Essentials

Promote EX Program

Truth Initiative makes it easy to promote quitting and EX Program to your population. Check out what flyers, palm cards, wallet cards, and other promotional materials we have available.

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The latest on quitting

Research-backed and proven-effective resources are critical to help people successfully quit smoking, vaping, or any tobacco product. At Truth Initiative, we research, develop and constantly innovate state-of-the-art resources.

Explore our research and resources on quitting tobacco products

Our mission is to prevent youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empower quitting for all. This is how we're doing.

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Get the latest facts and analyses on the most important issues in commercial tobacco and substance use.

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