How to help your child quit vaping
If you’re a parent trying to help a child quit using JUUL or other e-cigarette, here are some tips for how to start from the experts behind the evidence-base
E-cigarettes as accessories: How vaping companies market products as stylish
The advertisements for the launch of JUUL are just one example of how e-cigarette companies position their products as trendy and fashionable.
The youth e-cigarette epidemic: 5 important things to know
After decades of drops in the youth smoking rate, e-cigarettes are now the most popular tobacco product among young people — and their popularity is growing.
4 marketing tactics e-cigarette companies use to target youth
From offering candy-flavored tobacco products to college scholarships, manufacturers and sellers of e-cigarettes aggressively target young people.
FDA takes steps on flavored e-cigarettes, but leaves youth at risk for addiction
Proposed FDA restrictions on flavored e-cigarettes and cigars are a step in the right direction, but they’re no match for the soaring rate of e-cigarette use
High-nicotine e-cigarettes may reverse declines in youth tobacco use
Without stronger regulation, e-cigarettes that can deliver nicotine at high levels could undo years of progress if young people become addicted to nicotine.<
Youth Across America Rally Over Vaping Epidemic for truth® National Day of Action
Youth activists are taking the #DITCHJUUL rally cry to their campuses and communities across the country, with more than 200 events happening this week.
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