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    Displaying 1092 of 1130 Search Results

  1. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Doctors’ offices: A missed opportunity in tobacco control

    Just 49 percent of adolescents who visited a doctor in the last year were asked if they use tobacco.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Agreement on American Spirit cigarettes fails to protect public from misleading claims

    An agreement permits American Spirit to use deceptive health-related claims that contribute to the misperception that their product is less dangerous.

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Teen Vogue Summit highlights anti-Black racism and tobacco marketing with Youth Board Liaison Giana Darville

    Truth Initiative Youth Board Liaison Giana Darville exposed connections between anti-Black racism, mental health, and tobacco marketing as a panelist at Teen

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How colleges are sustaining momentum for tobacco/vape-free campus policies virtually

    3 ways colleges and truth® College Leaders have been pushing forward in a virtual capacity to educate and build support for a tobacco-free campus.

  5. Trump Administration Should Not Exempt Vape Shops or Any Flavors from Its Plan to Clear the Market of All Flavored E-Cigarettes

    The Trump Administration may be backing away from its plan to clear the market of all flavored e-cigarettes as well as allowing the continued sale of flavore

  6. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Most of JUUL's Twitter followers are underage

    Most users following JUUL’s official Twitter account (@JUULvapor) are underage, according to a new research study.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Nine young leaders are mobilizing their peers as the new class of truth Ambassadors

    As one of the youth leadership programs at Truth Initiative, truth Ambassadors are young people who are passionate about tobacco control advocacy.

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Where are kids getting JUUL?

    Truth Initiative surveyed a national sample of more than 1,000 12- to 17-year-olds to find out where they are getting the e-cigarettes.

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    4 revelations from a Reuters investigation into Philip Morris

    A Reuters investigative series into the secret strategies of PMI uncovers the company’s methodical, long-term plan to undermine public health science and glo

  10. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Which social media sites do young adults use?

    The rapidly changing social media landscape highlights the need for public health messages to adapt to new sites and new ways of delivering content via socia

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Truth Initiative welcomes 2016-17 class of Youth Activism Fellows

    Truth Initiative® kicked off its 2016-17 Youth Activism Fellowship program with 32 youth activists who are helping to create the first tobacco-free generatio

  12. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Black D.C. neighborhoods have greater marketing for flavored tobacco products, including cigars

    The targeted marketing of flavored tobacco products like flavored cigars presents another way tobacco is a social justice issue.