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    Displaying 1032 of 1130 Search Results

  1. Our Team

    Mary Dominguez

    Mary Dominguez serves as Vice President, Partnerships in Marketing, where she has worked on the truth brand since 2005.

  2. Tobacco industry using sponsored content in major media outlets to shift public perception and makeover its image despite continued sale of harmful products, Truth Initiative research shows

    Big Tobacco is turning to sponsored content in America’s most prestigious news outlets to rehabilitate its poor image and continue efforts to mislead the pub

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    Our Impact

    Our work has prevented millions of young people from becoming smokers, including 2.5 million between 2015 and 2018 alone. We are committed to preventing youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empowering quitting for all — and we won’t stop until we achieve a future free from lifelong addiction, fostering healthier lives and a more resilient nation. This is how we’re doing.

  4. Page
  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    What do pharmacists think about their stores selling tobacco?

    To learn more about how pharmacists view the issue, Truth Initiative led a discussion with a group of 29 pharmacists in December 2018.

  6. New Report: As Youth E-Cigarette Epidemic Worsens, States Continue to Shortchange Prevention Programs That Could Help

    New report challenges states to do more to fight tobacco use – still the nation’s No.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Experts gather to discuss critical public health issues: Menthol and flavored tobacco

    Truth Initiative joined other experts at the Public Health Law Conference to support the need to solve critical public health issues: menthol and other flavo

  8. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Decline in cigarette sales highlights past misuse of tobacco settlement funds in some states

    Declines in cigarette sales are leading to reduced revenues at the state level, highlighting past misuse of tobacco settlement funds in many states.

  9. CDC/FDA show seven of ten youth using tobacco use flavored products

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released two studies of youth tobacco use drawn from the 2014

  10. Our Team

    Alex Parks

    Alexandra Parks is responsible for strategic leadership in developing and managing partnerships with an array of stakeholders, including nonprofit organizati

  11. 2016 Effie Award Winner

    Truth® won four awards -- two golds, a silver and a bronze -- at the 2016 North American Effie Awards

  12. Gold Award

    2015 Effie Award Winner

    Truth® won four awards -- two golds, a silver and a bronze -- at the 2015 North American Effie Awards