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    Displaying 840 of 911 Search Results

  1. Smoke-free housing to protect millions from the dangers of secondhand smoke to take effect July 31

    A smoke-free policy goes into effect at all federal public housing units on July 31, 2018, thanks to a U.S.

  2. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Women’s colleges now eligible for tobacco-free campus grant

    Truth Initiative is accepting applications for grants to women’s colleges, minority-serving academic institutions and community colleges to adopt tobacco-fre

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    truth® campaign prevents more than 300,000 young people from smoking in one year

    An estimated 301,930 youth and young adults did not become smokers over the course of one year because of the truth campaign.

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    FDA regulations on tobacco products welcomed, but FDA still has critical to-do list

    The FDA now has the opportunity to regulate how tobacco products are made, marketed and sold, to make them less toxic and addictive and less appealing

  5. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    CDC highlights need for comprehensive smoke-free policies

    New data from the CDC shows that half the country is not protected from the harms of secondhand smoke via comprehensive smoke-free laws.

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Kicking off Black History Month with our first #NoMentholMonday

    Today marks the beginning of America’s 40th Black History Month.

  7. CDC Report Shows Rise in E-Cigarette Use Does Not Result in Decreases in Adult Smoking

    The data tell an obvious and troubling story. E-cigarettes as currently marketed in the US serve primarily to grow the overall tobacco category.

  8. Report Report Research & Resources

    Smoking in Films: 2022

    The film industry continues to make marginal progress over the decades toward eliminating the number of films released containing tobacco

  9. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Cigarette smoking has declined among 18-24 year olds but some disparities are cause for concern

    Smoking is on the decline among 18-24 year olds, however, smoking is increasingly a function of who you are, where you live, your income & your sexual pr

  10. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Where we stand: Invest in research on sub-populations

    Tobacco is not an equal opportunity destroyer.

  11. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Court victory means FDA must act fast to put graphic warnings on cigarettes

    A U.S. district court ordered the FDA to implement a requirement that graphic health warnings appear on cigarette packs and in advertising.

  12. truth® campaign successful in saving lives and preventing youth smoking

    Exposure to the award-winning truth campaign prevented more than 300,000 U.S. youth and young adults from becoming smokers during 2015-2016.