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    Displaying 828 of 911 Search Results

  1. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Consumers – even smokers – want cigarettes out of pharmacies according to new CDC data

    Sixty-six percent of U.S. adults favor a ban on tobacco products in pharmacy stores, including nearly half of smokers

  2. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Nicotine pouch ads follow e-cigarette marketing playbook and risk appealing to young people

    A new study underscores the need to monitor marketing and enforce regulation of new youth-appealing nicotine products.

  3. FDA’s Latest Marketing Denial Order for Menthol E-Cigarette Products Underscores Its Continued Commitment to Sound Science

    Truth Initiative applauds the FDA latest announcement issuing market denial orders (MDOs) for two menthol e-cigarette products

  4. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Q&A: Helping college campuses go tobacco-free

    Tobacco-free policies are proven to prevent young adults from starting tobacco use, help tobacco smokers quit, and reduce secondhand smoke exposure.

  5. Tobacco industry using sponsored content in major media outlets to shift public perception and makeover its image despite continued sale of harmful products, Truth Initiative research shows

    Big Tobacco is turning to sponsored content in America’s most prestigious news outlets to rehabilitate its poor image and continue efforts to mislead the pub

  6. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    National Recovery Month: Substance abuse, mental health and tobacco

    People with mental health and substance abuse disorders use tobacco at much higher rates than the rest of the population.

  7. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    Hawaii raising minimum age to reduce tobacco use among those under 21

    Hawaii will mark a milestone next year when it becomes to the first state to raise the minimum age requirement for purchase of tobacco products from 18 to 21

  8. New Report Finds Major Geographic Smoking Disparities Across Midwest and Southern States

    A new report shows how major geographic smoking disparities are impacting residents of 12 contiguous states throughout the Midwest and South, creating a regi

  9. Truth Initiative Applauds FDA Decision on Big Tobacco’s Menthol E-Cigarette Products

    Truth Initiative applauds the FDA's decision to issue marketing denial orders (MDOs) for two of R.J.

  10. Research Article Research Article Research & Resources

    Study highlights importance of strong local flavored tobacco policies, as federal regulation falls short

    A new Truth Initiative study analyzing the strength and reach of local policies found that less than 1% of the population is protected by a strong local poli

  11. FDA’s first marketing denial orders on menthol e-cigarettes underscore substantial risks menthol and flavored products pose to youth and young adults

    Truth Initiative is encouraged by the FDA's decision to issue marketing denial orders for two Logic brand menthol e-cigarette products.

  12. 7 youth-serving groups in Tennessee receive grants to help their communities go smoke-free

    Truth Initiative awarded grants to seven youth-serving groups in the state to help raise awareness about smoke-free environments and reduce secondhand smoke